Friday July 24th, 2009
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Tickets $20.00
Hard on the heels of last years hugely successful "Dog Days of Summer," a benefit for the Alameda Animal Shelter and Northern California German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue (Norcal GSP Rescue), Autobody Fine Art is proud to announce "Dog Days Deux - Taking the Biscuit," our second annual animal benefit. The event will take place on Friday July 24th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm and feature a silent auction of pet related items and artwork as well as wonderful items from businesses and restaurants from Alameda, a raffle, cocktails and catered food, and a jazz band direct from the Berkeley School of Jazz.
Last year we made over $5,000.00 for these organizations, help us double that figure in 2009. With the current turndown in the economy, rescue groups and shelters are in need of support more than ever. These two organizations shelter, foster and ultimately place unwanted or homeless animals in their "forever" home. Through education and tireless volunteerism, the Alameda Animal Shelter has helped place hundreds of dogs and cats with loving, responsible guardians across the Island , not to mention the occasional rabbit! Norcal GSP Rescue, a breed specific rescue group, takes adoptable GSP's from shelters across Northern California , treats them medically, whenever necessary, and fosters and re-homes these noble hunting dogs. They are particularly sensitive to the needs of elder and undernourished dogs and those that need immediate veterinary care. Please visit their website at www.norcalgsprescue.org, to learn more about their programs.
Now you can help these groups and have a great night out! Catering will be provided by Flying Monkey Catering of Marin, and the event will be sponsored by Trumer Pils. More information about our sponsors and some of the great raffle prizes will be available on our website, http://www.autobodyfineart.com/, over the next couple of months, check in regularly! We look forward to seeing you on July 24th, there will be (at least) a couple of dogs there to greet you! Tickets for the event will be $20.00, available in advance from Autobody Fine Art, or at the door on the evening of the event. Children (under ten) and retired persons can purchase tickets for $10.00. All proceeds go to the Alameda Animal Shelter and Norcal GSP Rescue, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation funded by donations, fundraisers, and adoption donations.
sounds like a great event, thanks!